Shipping and Returns
- Minimum order is $25. All orders below minimum are subject to a $10 service
- Net 30 days
- F.O.B. factory. All shipments will be made by Fed Ex. We pre-pay freight
and add to invoice. If a hospital’s Fed Ex account is used, a $10 handling
charge will be added to the invoice.
- All returns must have written authorization. This authorization may be
received by writing: Attn: Customer Service Dept., P.O. Box 630067, Littleton,
CO, 80163. Indicate product to be returned, date purchased, P.O. # and reason
for return. All returns subject to 50% restocking fee.
- Prices subject to change without prior notice.
- Not responsible for typographical errors
- Non-returnable merchandise: Sterile products, custom made/ordered products,
discontinued products
- Accepted methods of payment include: Check, Visa or Mastercard